Welcome to our fledgling website, Peter Demaine, our Treasurer, is the brain behind it…so that’s where all the money is going…?
So, who are West Pennine Runners?
We are a new, relatively small club that was formed in June 1999 and we are based in Darwen, Lancashire, England. Which for the uninitiated is a medium sized “cotton town” between Blackburn and Bolton.
We cater for Fell, Road and Cross Country running disciplines with the main emphasis on encouraging members to take part irrespective of their own perceived capabilities. We offer support and advice to anyone who is thinking of taking up the sport for the first time, or may be returning to the sport after an absence.
The club is run on a very relaxed and friendly basis, which belies the fact that many members have vast experience in all three disciplines that we compete in, in fact, some of us have been running either unattached or for other clubs since the late 70’s.
We currently have 35 full members ranging in abilities from beginners to sub 3-hour marathon standard.
We meet at 7.00pm every Thursday evening at the Borough Pub car park, Greenway Street, Darwen for a Club Run and a “social” in the pub afterwards. Depending on the mood, or the numbers turning up, we may go out in one large group, or split into smaller groups based on capabilities. There is only one rule – no one gets left behind, it’s a Club Run.
When the light is good enough we go out over the moors and trails surrounding Darwen, usually April to September. During the winter months we stick to the roads around town, dodging the traffic and terrorising pedestrians. Distances covered during these sessions’ range from 2 or 3 miles up to about 10 miles. Again, a lot depends on the mood and numbers on the night.
We have a pretty good newsletter “The West Pennine Way” (I have to say that, I am the editor), which is published every 6 – 8 weeks. Full of race results, reports, articles Club Championship Standings, etc.
If you would like any more details please feel free to contact Peter or myself by e-mail (see committee members page), or any of the other committee members by telephone or letter.
Good Luck and Good Running
Barry Nicholson
Chair West Pennine Runners